

Strangers She Knows- Review

Strangers She Knows (Cape Charade, #3)Strangers She Knows by Christina Dodd
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kellen sure hasn't had an easy life. Even when she thinks she can finally settle down, get married and raise her daughter it doesn't go as planned. She has to have brain surgery and now try to regain full use of her hand and her words again. The trouble doesn't end there as a killer from the past is back and after her.

Kellen is doing her best to cope after surgery even if she is driving Luna their dog crazy with her piano playing. When Mara returns she has no choice but to go with Max and their daughter Rae to an island on the California coast. Being alone knowing Mara is coming after them isntmade any easy with them hiding their real reason for being there from Rae. When a storm arrives they find out they have company and must do what they can to save their lives. Kellen has to face Mara on her own.

The characters all have seem to develop and adjust to their lives. Kellen isn't the strong lonely woman from before. She is adjusting to all kinds of things, marriage, raising a kid and being weak from surgery. Max is getting used to having a partner and to Rae changing. Rae I think is my favorite in this book. She has always seemed like the smart kid who is so wonderful. In this book her preteen is coming out and it made me love her more as she seemed more real. Mara reveals stuff from her past that you can tell made her who she is.

If you like suspense and thrillers this series is definitely for you. It has tons of action, twist and turns. One big surprise that I loved. The ending was perfect and really made me want to know what the future holds for them.

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His Final Girl- Review

His Final Girl (B Mine Book 1)His Final Girl by Brooklyn Ann
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book made my horror/romance heart so very happy. It was like reading a version of those b scary movies many of us love yet they have a real romance in them.

Linnea is going to be a senior in high school and all she really wants to do is work on her family farm the whole summer. She isn't a hugely popular girl and is happy with her small group of friends. She isn't to happy to go to the senior summer camp. Wes is new to the school, consider a gangly nerd and has trouble breathing in doors let alone in the forest.

Linnea and Wes aren't looking for love but that seems to be what they find along with a murderer set on killing all the campers. They aren't the typical leaders but they stand strong in trying to survive and to trap whoever is after them.

What I loved about this book is the characters and how they seem like everyday people. Not the usual beauty queen and hunk like in other books. There is tons of blood and action and you never know what will happen or who will die next. You also get to see love blossom happen and it's like a step back in time. I really hope there is tons more in this series as I need more like this book.

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The Phantom Forest - Review

The Phantom ForestThe Phantom Forest by Liz Kerin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Seycia grew up hearing about the Forest of Laida. Its where your soul goes after you die and it keeps all the memories your soul has during its many lives. She is raising her brother Miko after her parents were killed. She tries her best to raise and keep him safe. That includes keeping him from being the yearly sacrifice. Someone found a way into the Underworld and opened a rift years ago. When she watches the eye of an evil man, she finds herself a sacrifice. Now in the Underworld with a Demon named Haben she is still trying to find a way to keep her brother safe and to put an end to the evil.

Seycia is a very strong character and even when she is sacrificed she still never gives up. She makes a bargain with Haben to destroy the evil within the Underwirld and on the real world. Haben is a demon with a huge secret that he doesn't want anyone to know. He is being punished for his secret and just wants his afterlife to end. Miko is a headstrong boy who doesn't think things through before he acts. It puts him in danger and others some of the time.

This was a great book with lots of darkness. It was a great way to look into what the Underworld may be and I really enjoyed it. It has lots of a tons and very well written. You get to see how everything came about. The world was easy to see as you read. I'd recommend it to my friends to read.

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Pan's Labyrinth:The Labyrinth of the Faun Review

Pan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the FaunPan's Labyrinth: The Labyrinth of the Faun by Guillermo del Toro
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I knew as soon as I saw this book I would want to read it. Pan's Labyrinth is a favorite movie of mine. This book just brings more to enjoy for the old or new fans. It's a dark story and even if it tore my heart out at times I still loved it.

We follow Ofelia as she moves with her pregnant mother to their new home with her new stepfather Vidal. Vidal is a very cruel man who really is only concerned with his unborn child. There is a war going on and times are hard. Ofelia is left alone most of the time as her mother grows sicker. She meets Pan who ask her to complete task to get her hearts desire.

As Ofelia completes her task you meet a collection of characters who stick with you. You get to go on a journey not only of now but you also get to find out the past. The book has amazing illustrations in it. I loved seeing them all. The world in this book is fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time. I would recommend this to any and everyone. Come visit the labyrinth for an intriguing tale or two.

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Sisters of Summer's End Review

Sisters of Summer's End (Summer Resort #2)Sisters of Summer's End by Lori Foster

Joy is a single mom whose main goal in life is to support her son Jack and be independent. She is a hard worker and a wonderful mom but hasn't let anyone get close to her in years. After knowing Maris for a long time the two finally strike up a close friendship. Maris talks Joy into spending time with the new man in town Royce. While she doesn't want a relationship Royce just may be what Joy needs in her life. Maris also has to learn what has been in front of her all along may be the missing piece she needs.

This was a delight to read. I think the growing friendship between Joy and Maris was my favorite thing other than Jack. He was just so adorable. The two woman become so close and share everything with each other. They are very protective of each other.

There is tons of heat if that's what you looking for. Joy and Royce and Maris and Daron know how to turn up the flames. I liked both relationships. Royce shows Joy she doesn't just want someone to pass the time with. Daron shows Maris that she can have her dreams and find love as well.

I recommend to anyone wanting to read a great book with friendships, love, steam and finding out family just isn't blood.

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Like a Love Story Review

Like a Love StoryLike a Love Story by Abdi Nazemian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In this book we follow three teens as they grow up in a time when AIDS is growing but not the help for it. Art is gay and he is always looking for ways to help the gay community. He isn't afraid to be who he is. Judy is his best friend and she is a bit of a social outcast as well. She wants more medical help for people with AIDS so her uncle Stephen might have a chance at living longer. Reza is new in town and still struggling with how he feels about his sexuality. He is gay but terrified of cathing a disease and terrified to let people know. While Reza is attracted to Art he begins to date Judy. When the truth about how he really is comes out all three end up getting hurt. Art and Reza can't fight their feelings and fall in love.

This is a book I think everyone should read. It tells the story of a time when there wasn't much help for people with AIDS and the government just wanted to make as much money as they could off of it. Gays where afraid to be attacked for who they are and who they love.

The only parts I didn't enjoy are the Judy/Reza relationship. I felt sorry for her. I do understand why he dated her and sure it used to happen a lot more than it does now. Stephen is a wonderful character. Even sick he never seems to give up and just wants the world to share equal love. I was happy to see Reza open up about who he really is.

Be sure to pick up this book and open your eyes to a different time. Full of friendship, family and love this book is a wonderful read.

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The Summer of Sunshine and Margot Review

The Summer of Sunshine and MargotThe Summer of Sunshine and Margot by Susan Mallery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Margot and Sunshine are sister and very different. Margot is an etiquette couch and takes her work very seriously. Her one downside is she lacks self confidence and let's her ex boyfriend string her along whenever he feels like it. Sunshine doesn't take her work seriously and will leave a job at the drop of a hat or really when a cute guy comes along. Both are very close despite being different types of people. Sunshine wants to break her cycle of not being serious and Margot wants to find a real guy who doesn't use her.

This was a delightful book. I loved the interactions between Margot and Bianca. Bianca has many rough edges and you don't think she will ever change. Her son Alex is very serious but Margot seems to loosen him up and he does the same for her. They are are good match even if both are afraid to see it.

Sunshine is are nanny for an adorable little boy who has a handsome father Declan. While Sunshine wants to find a good guy she is not trying to me up her job. Declan doesn't want to be attracted to Sunshine and tries to fight it. They both do their best to respect the boss/employee line but it's hard too do.

I love the growth in both sisters in too his book. They had a rough childhood but have overcame that. Sunshine learns to look for the real good guys and not just the pretty boys. She goes back to school and doesn't want to rely on her looks. Margot learns not toohisheo be a doormat and to go after what she really wants.

Be sure to pick to pick this up for a delightful story about two amazing sisters.

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