

Elven Blood Tour - Review, Guest Post & Giveaway

Hi everyone! Today I have a stop on the Elven Blood blog Tour. There is a guest post from the author, a review, an excerpt and giveaway for you all.

Elven Blood
by Debra Dunbar

Sam may be the Iblis, but she is also an imp with a price on her head. The powerful demon Haagenti won’t rest until she’s dragged back to Hel for “punishment”. Sam knows she can’t face Haagenti and win, so when an Elf Lord offers to eliminate the demon in return for her help, Sam accepts. It’s a simple job – find and retrieve a half-breed monster dead or alive. But finding this demon/elf hybrid isn’t proving easy and time is running out.

My Review
Sam has her hands full. She is the Iblis, a demon wants her back in Hel to be punished, she has to deal with Angels and doing what they want, do a mission for an Elf Lord and find away to be human enough for her human boyfriend. She has a lot going on and time is ticking down. She has so many people wanting things done right now and stuff she needs to do. Having a house guest oozing sex isn't helping either. She has some tough decisions to make and she will need to prove to everyone she is the Iblis for a reason.

Sam is a complex character. She is bad at times but you still like her. She can kick butt when needed. At times she did make me laugh especially with using food in her fights. She also has a loving protective side that makes her protect those she loves and even when it makes it difficult she will do whatever she can to keep them safe. She is also a very sexual creature who has some fantastic scenes to show them off.

I have not read the other books in this series and at first I was a little confused but in no time that didn't matter to me. I just enjoyed the character of Sam and all she was going through. Even being the Iblis you wonder just how is she going to handle everything that is going on. The book has plenty of action in fact it is pretty much non stop and that makes it an easy read. You have all kinds of different paranormal creatures from imps, elves, angels, demons, a hellhound, hybrids to a succubus that I would love to visit my house plus more. I liked watching Sam try to face being good and not killing someone. You could tell it was a struggle for her. You also have several nice steamy scenes to keep your attention. Over all I really enjoyed this book and will look for the first two books to see what else Sam has been into.
4 out of 5 Stars

I heaved the decapitated demon head through the gate to Hel and turned to look at the guardian. The way her shoulders slumped and she kicked at the floor, gave me the impression she was not happy to be supervising. 

“Third one this week,” I told her, as if she didn’t know.

I had a bounty on my head, but the demons Haagenti was sending after me were the dregs of the hierarchy, desperate beings looking to get lucky and boost their fame by taking me down. Idiots. I kept killing them and tossing their heads through the gate that connected the realm of the humans with Hel. I wasn’t sure if the powerful demon, Haagenti, was more pissed at the fact that I’d shielded my foster brother, Dar, from his wrath this fall, or that I’d kept the Iblis sword instead of turning it over to him. 

Not that I really wanted the thing. I was stuck with it, and all the paperwork and responsibility that seemed to come with holding the empty title of leader of the demons. Iblis. Ha-Satan. The Devil. No one had held that title since our split with the angels two and a half million years ago. Why had this sword, this artifact that came with the title, chosen me? I was nothing but an imp. I wasn’t qualified to be the Iblis.

Guest Post
What do you think the next big paranormal creature will be in books and why?

It’s hard to predict trends in paranormal creature popularity. What will it be this year? Zombies? Dragons? Unicorns? Ice giants with blue hair and four arms?

Vampires are always a bit of a shoe-in, rising from their coffins to storm the big screen and bookstores on a regular basis. Let’s face it- they’re sexy (dead cold flesh aside). They’ve got that whole bitey thing going on, and neck fetishes are always in vogue. Capes can come and go, but vamps are here to stay. The rest of the supernatural world usually takes a backseat. 

Werewolves? Yes, there’s an animal appeal, but they’re so bossy and their pack always comes first. Plus they smell like wet dog in a rainstorm. Fae have that glamour thing going for them, but most people think of them as tiny – little winged fairies and pixies. Tinkerbell is pretty cool, but it’s hard to take someone seriously when you can accidently squish her with your briefcase. Elves are big, but they tend to be too aloof and cerebral to garner much of a following. 

I’m voting for Demons. And angels. Yes, I write about demons and angels, so I definitely have a vested interest in their upcoming popularity, but I truly think their time has come. Normally angels wouldn’t have much of a chance. Winged beings sound like a great idea, but when they’re pious and continually singing hymns and railing against sin you don’t exactly want them at your party. Fallen angels – that’s where it’s at. A damaged soul fallen from grace attracts a lot of sympathy. Add in brooding and the love of a good woman, and I’m sold.

But it’s demons I really see as the next big thing. Bad is always so darned good. Combine that bad with a sense of humor, dark good looks, and incredible power and people will be rushing to buy. Everyone wants to reform a demon. Women and men will fall to their knees, and the wicked shall rule the world!

At least until another vampire comes along.

AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Debra Dunbar lives on a farm in the northeast United States with her husband, three boys, and a Noah’s ark of four legged family members. Her urban fantasy novels feature supernatural elements in local settings. In addition to A DEMON BOUND, SATAN’S SWORD, and ELVEN BLOOD, she has also published a short story erotica series titled NAUGHTY MOM. Connect with her on Twitter @debra_dunbar on Facebook at debradunbarauthor, and on her website at .


Debra will be awarding an e-book copy of A DEMON BOUND (book 1 in the Imp Series) to a randomly drawn commenter at every stop, and a grand prize of a Kindle Fire with an ELVEN BLOOD book cover skin to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour (US ONLY).  So be sure to comment below with your email and be sure to follow the tour!


  1. Good to know the book can stand alone (but I'd still prefer to start at the beginning ... these sound fun!).

    mnark111 AT gmail DOT com

  2. 4 of 5 stars...Nice review! I like a great kick-ass heroine but it sounds like she's hyper-sexual. I'm sure that leads to some steamy hot scenes!
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  3. Thanks for having me today - and thank you for reading and reviewing!
    Catherine - Elven Blood is probably the most sexy of the series. Having a succubus house-guest really ramps things up a bit LOL. Still, lust is a favorite sin of Sam's and she's pretty naughty in the other books too.

  4. might be fun reading about demons. That's a new idea and it sounds really interesting.

  5. Very nice review

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com


I love comments and will try to always reply!